posted 03-26-2008 07:14 AM
I've suspected for a while that the user nopolycop is another reincarnation of 1904. He doesn't seem very cop-like to me, but he's different than that whining Sergeant, who is evidently an accident scene investigator.He initially came across as angry and aggressive. While claiming to know little about polygraph, his opinions are antagonism are consistent with Cliff Coetzee (1904/namcush/and others).
No-cop is so bored with the lack of response to his questions that he's started to have a conversation with himself.
I claims to be a cop, but also claims he was brought in as an independent on a murder in which the suspect passed a polygraph. BS! So, nopolycop, should be nopolyPI.
Then this shows up today
I suggest we remain disengaged from this fake.
He is a chameleon, and has tempered (or maybe annealed) himself lately. Its possible he is also the user pailryder (a claimed polygraph examiner), who is shows up for an occasional love-fest with someone who wants to argue more calmly against the polygraph.
Its also interesting to watch some of the other fakes, engage in a symbiotic form of discussion with themselves when the going gets boring.
He deserves to be bored. There is no sense interacting or arguing with a fake.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."
--(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)